Interuniversity training course “Understanding of the main issues of EU policies related to education-research-innovation”

On July 13-17 and 20-24 was organized online interuniversity training course “Understanding of the main issues of EU policies related to education-research-innovation” within the project nr. 610666-EPP-1-2019-1-MD-EPPJMO-PROJECT “Promoting education-research-innovation through European economic integration of the Republic of Moldova” with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The training was organized by Moldova State University and promoted by Elena Simciuc, Head of the Office for International Projects within International Relations Department of Moldova State University. It was organized online by the Zoom platform.

The following topics were presented and discussed by two trainers, Elena Simciuc from Moldova State University and Robert Khachatryan from Brusov University, Armenia, during each week:

  • History and structure of the EU
  • Decision making process of the EU
  • European Neighbourhood policy and Eastern Partnership;
  • EU-Moldova Association Agreement: education-research-innovation;
  • EUROPE 2020- A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
  • EU Education Agenda;
  • EU Innovation and research Policy;
  • EU initiatives:
  • Horizon 2020.

The training was attended by 48 participants from Republic of Moldova, Romania and Armenia: the first week 15 and the second 33 participants. Each training brought together university students from Bachelor or Master studies, young university lecturers and researchers, student associations, interested administrative staff, civil servants from local, regional administrations who primarily work with EU law/Policy and therefore require both theoretical and practical training in EU integration issues and leaders of NGOs wishing to enhance inter-disciplinary skills within different aspects of European integration.

The overall duration of the training session was 40 hours, each week comprised 20 hours.

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