International Scientific Conference
“European Integration Through The Strengthening Of Education, Research, Innovations In Eastern Partnership Countries”
The International Scientific Conference took place on May 16-17, 2022, at the Moldova State University “European Integration Through the Strengthening of Education, Research, Innovation in Eastern Partnership Countries” organized within the Erasmus + project„EUSHARE – European economic integration of the Republic of Moldova through common values of the EU: education-research-innovation” no.610666 . The event, organized by the International Relations Section of USM, took place in hybrid mode and was hosted by the MEDIACOR Center.
The event had the following objectives:
- Encouraging and strengthening the understanding and awareness of the general public on the quality of education and the joint scientific-educational-technological activities of the Eastern-EU Partnership.
- Promoting the involvement of the general public in a dialogue aimed at public policies on the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.
- Informing and raising awareness of academia, youth, researchers, young professionals, civil society at regional and local level on the importance of common EU values (innovation-research-education) for the country’s development and promoting their involvement in dialogue with local communities.
- Improving the involvement, awareness and information of the general public on the progress made towards the economic association of the Republic of Moldova with the EU due to the access to the EU funding programs for education-research-innovation.
The opening session of the conference conducted by coordinator of the project, Mrs Elena SIMCIUC, dr. in economics and was attended by European Commission project officers Mr Andeea Murzi and Mrs Rosalba Nardelli, together with Mrs Natalia Calenic, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, Mrs Aurelia Hanganu, Vice-Rector for Scientific Activity and international relations of USM and Ms. Claudia Melinte, coordinator of the Erasmus + National Office.
The Conference was attended by public policy specialists, professors, PhD students, students and people interested in the topics covered from different countries: Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Finland, Latvia, Bulgaria, India, France, Germany, Belgium. The participants from the Republic of Moldova were from various institutions: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, the Italian Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, the Erasmus + National Office, ANCD, RENAM, AGEPI, ASM, Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova, UTM, USARB, UASM, UCCM, USMF „N. Testemitanu ”, IDSI,“ Ștefan cel Mare ”MIA Police Academy, Military Forces Academy, etc.
During the event, various topics were discussed regarding the cooperation of the countries from the Eastern-EU partnership in various fields: education, research, innovation; strengthening the path of integration of the Eastern Partnership countries into the EU; the connection between the business environment – research – education, etc.
It should be noted that the Ersmus + EUSHARE project will include other events that will focus on a number of topics that were hotly debated at the Conference, including: strengthening the capacity of Eastern Partnership countries to participate in various European projects, developing and strengthening entrepreneurship in universities, identifying new forms of collaboration within the education-research-innovation triangle.