The State University of Moldova benefits from a grant awarded by the European Commission in order to carry out the project "EUSHARE: Promoting education-research-innovation through European economic integration of the Republic of Moldova"


Interuniversity training course “Understanding of the main issues of EU policies related to education-research-innovation”

Date: 13th July to 17thof July: Conference Room nr.1, from 10 AM to 14:30 PM Moldavian time
or 20thJuly to 24thof July: Conference Room nr.2, from 10 AM to 14:30 PM Moldavian time
Venue: Online
Application Deadline: 12th of July 2020

The Roundtable format will be highly interactive, witch expert international keynote.

The Roundtable format will be highly interactive, with expert international keynote speakers (5 non-local contributors), panellists and senior representatives from the EU Delegation to Moldova….

Upcoming event


✅Date: 30th of November to 4th of December: Conference Room nr.1, from 11 AM to 15:30 PM Moldavian time or 7th of December to 11th of December: Conference Room nr.2, from 11 AM to 15:30 PM Moldavian time

Interuniversity training course “Understanding of the main issues of EU policies related to education-research-innovation”
Dear students, junior professionals and academic community,
It is our pleasure to inform you that the first interuniversity training course of the “Promoting education-research-innovation through European economic integration of the Republic of Moldova” project nr.610666 is named “Understanding of the main issues of EU policies related to education-research-i…



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